Do you guys know that I've been in Australia for more than 9 months now? Wow! Some would say that's a long time!
Anyways! Today I planted potatoes, cleaned the house and washed Loretta's Ute with Chisa's help. Two people came at cellar door this morning, but that was all for the day and tomorrow Charlie and Loretta will be back!! I did enjoy the freedom and the chance to manage my own time, but it was mentally tiring to take care of the house, the food and the rest.. I'm glad I'm going back to be a simple WWOOFer.
Ci rendiamo conto che mi trovo in Australia da più di 9 mesi?! Alcuni direbbero che è un bel po' di tempo!
Comunque, oggi ho piantato le patate, pulito la casa e lavato il pick-up di Loretta con l'aiuto di Chisa. Due persone sono venute alla cantina questa mattina, ma poi più nulla per il resto della giornata e domani Charlie e Loretta sono di ritorno!!!
Saturday, 9 November 2013 - Day #277
Charlie and Loretta are back!!! Yay!
My knees are sore beyond words, but it was good to be out in the vineyard with Chisa and Ray.
Charlie e Loretta sono ritornati!! Evviva!!
Sunday, 10 November 2013 - Day #278
My knees are on fire! I had to take two painkillers tonight and I'm not even that sure they're working properly.. Desuckering will send me to surgery!!
Today was Ray's last day of work. He'll leave tomorrow with the 9AM coach.
Loretta gave me much to think about while desuckering, and as I was pondering her words, I had an epiphany on the A Song of Ice and Fire saga!! I swear, those books are even better than the tv show!
Le mie ginocchia sono in fiamme!! Ho già preso due antidolorifici questa sera, ma non stanno facendo troppo effetto. Tutto questo desuckering mi manderà in ospedale!!
Oggi era l'ultimo giorno di lavoro per Ray. Domani partirà con l'autobus delle 9 del mattino.
Monday, 11 November 2013 - Day #279
This morning Ray left. Chisa and I, we had a day off and we spent it at the library. I wrote some postcards, caught up with some videos on YouTube and and got myself some more books of the A Song of Ice and Fire saga - yes, the plan is exactly stacking them up in my room so that nobody from the Orange region can stop my reading. Nope, it's no news I'm this weird.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013 - Day #280
Today we started a new job: we moved from desuckering to finalizing the preparation for grafting. How so? We have these very fierce brushes to remove the bark from the top half of the vines as well as the occasional sucker. I named my brush Barkbane, because I'm silly like that (and totally not obsessed with GoT where they give a name to each important weapon).
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Can you guess which one is Barkbane? -.-'' |
We got one new WWOOFer to the vineyard! Her name is Deadra (even though I have no clue whether that is the way you spell her name). She's Irish and she too will stay here till just before Christmas holidays.
I also had a new brush today, as Barkbane had been completely worn out after just one day of scraping - more like Bark Is My Bane!
Una nuova WWOOFer è arrivata al vigneto! Si chiama Deadra (anche se sono certa nonil suo nome non scriva in questo modo) e viene dall'Irlanda!
Thursday, 14 November 2013 - Day #282
Tuck-in day!! Last week we raised the canopy wires and today we started tucking in the spurs which were too short last time to fit between the wires. There's a lot of walking in this job and, thank God, no kneeling!
Ps. Deirdre is the correct spelling, but we'll call her Dee, for short.
Il lavoro che abbiamo fatto oggi si chiama "tuck-in". Settimana scorsa abbiamo alzato i cavi di sostegno e oggi abbiamo spinto i ramoscelli, che la volta scorsa erano troppo corti, tra i suddetti cavi. Si cammina tanto facendo tacking-in, e grazie al cielo non bisogna inginocchiarsi!!!
Ps. Deirdre si scrive così, ma ha detto che possiamo chiamarla Dee, per facilitarci.